The few I can think of are the Disgaea games, and the Mac ports weren't handled well. I just find it weird that they don't want to take a few minutes to do an OSX and Linux build which can add some additional sells, when they're already using Unity. Become Phoenix Wright and experience the thrill of battle as you fight to save your innocent clients in a court of law. Play all 14 episodes, spanning the first three games, in one gorgeous collection. PyWright is a game engine and scripting language allowing for the creation of games in the same style as the Phoenix Wright or Ace Attourney series of games made by capcom for the Nintendo GBA and DS. Several cases have been completed and are available through the download option on the menu when you run PyWright.
This game… words can’t even do a justice to the amazing franchise that all started with this game…
You’d think that a game about court and defending clients would be the dumbest concept for a “video game”, it’s soooooo great!
You take the role of a newbie lawyer, who goes by the name of Phoenix Wright, your job is to defend each client in each case, and prove them innocent. You go up against a prosecutor, and he will do whatever he can to prove your client guilty.
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Download Mac Download
So, what exactly is it that makes this game so amazing? Well, I think it’s just the playfulness, the exaggerated animation, the writing style, the awesome “Objection!”, “Hold it!”, and “Take that!” bubbles, the humour, and the fact that basically everyone hates you.
Without these factors, the series just wouldn’t be Phoenix Wright! The unrealistic atmosphere is what makes this game so enjoyable!

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Download Mac Free
And the best part about ROM hacking this is that, I would imagine you have complete control over pretty much the whole game! You could basically write your own cases. I think this would be a very fun game to hack, but the hard part would be doing it well!
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Download Mac
What makes this game so fantastic is just the fact that it’s anything but predicable. Things just don’t seem to make much sense in the case, especially in the later games, until you’ve actually figured out, or have at least gotten a bigger handle on what happened. I assure you, you will not be disappointed when playing this amazing game! Give it a try, and have a blast!