- Garageband 12 Bar Blues Piano
- Garageband 12 Bar Blues
- Garageband 12 Bar Blues Bandit
- Garageband 12 Bar Blues Backing Track
GarageBand for iPad: 10+ Lesson Ideas 1. Transforming the Blues Aim To record a 12 bar blues backing in a unique musical style Skills covered. how to play the Smart Instruments and use the Autoplay function. how to multitrack record multiple parts. how to record an improvised blues solo using a limited scale. how to play in time to a metronome. how to mix the!nal performance. The twelve-bar blues (or blues changes) is one of the most prominent chord progressions in popular music. The blues progression has a distinctive form in lyrics, phrase, chord structure, and duration. In its basic form, it is predominantly based on the I, IV, and V chords of a key. The 12 Bar Blues in a Tango Style? If you’re looking for a blues activity that’s a little different – and you have some iPads you can use during class – you might like to ask students to “transform the blues” using the GarageBand app.
Blues Structures
The Big Three 12 Bar Blues Structures
This is essential blues right here – we’re learning about the three main 12 bar blues structures, critical for any fan of the style.
Tricks of the Trade – The b5 Chord
The b5 is a chord that can serve as a silky smooth transition between other chords in our blues and can really add that swagger to our playing.
Basic Blues Rhythm Guitar
Singin’ The Hurt With Minor Blues
Today we’ll show you how to use a minor key to create some heart wrenching blues songs.
Blues Lead Baby Steps
The Blues Scale
Today we’re learning perhaps the most important thing you’ll ever need to play blues lead – the legendary blues scale.
Tasty Blues
Playing With the King: Major Pentatonics
One key to BB King’s soloing style is his use of major penatonics. In this lesson we’ll break down his scale choice so we too can get his smooth sound!
The BB King Slide
This is one of BB King’s easiest signature licks. You’ll immediately recognize it when you hear it!
Diving Deeper into Blues Soloing
Adding Soul to Solos – Call and Response
Call and response is an ancient technique built into our subconscious but really comes to life in blues lead playing. This is one of the best ways to put soul in your solos.
Sultry Blues Lead – Mixing Major and Minor Pent
One of the most important concepts a blues guitarist needs to understand is how to mix major and minor pentatonics to make a solo. Today, we’ll break it down and make it easy.
The Turnaround
Turn That Boat Around!
A turnaround is an essential part of the blues because it signals to the other players that the progression is starting over. Today we’ll show you the most important turnaround of all!
A Deeper Look at Pentatonics
Intro to the Blues Group
Welcome to the Blues Group! The Blues Group consists of several key scales and additions that work very well for blues soloing, each with it’s own flavor.
The Blues Group – Blue Note
You couldn’t have the blues group without the blue note! By just adding one note you can infuse some serious soul into your solos. We’ll show you how.
The Blues Group – The Funk Note
Now it’s time for the most groovin’ member of the Blues Group – the funk note. This note has some serious mojo and is one of the secrets behind all things funk.
The Blues Group – Black Dog Note
Next up in our blues group is the black dog note. This note creates a smooth flow back to our root note and has been used by Zeppelin, Kiss, Black Sabbath, and more.
The Blues Group – Dorian Scale
The next member of the Blues Group is also the jazziest – this time it’s the Dorian scale. The Dorian scale is great for Latin, jazz based blues, and more.
Blues Soloing Essentials – Moving Pentatonics
Occasionally, a player will have to change which pentatonic scale he uses to solo depending on what chord is being played. Today we’ll show you the easiest way to do it.
A Rock Blues Study
Learn the Blues Rock Style

In this lesson we’ll be exploring the vast world of blues rock. You could write novels about this style, but today we’re going to look at a few of the popular riffs and techniques associated with it.
Advanced Blues Chords
Must Know Blues Chords – #9 and 13 Chords
We’ve got a pair of must know blues chords that will actually bridge you into the world of jazz blues.
Texas Blues
SRV Style Muted Rhythm Technique
One of Stevie Ray Vaughn’s signature tricks was muting the strings and strumming them to create a percussive effect. Today, we’ll show you how to create this sound.
The SRV Scale
Learn the scale SRV used to create some of his signature Texas blues licks
Modal Blues Grooves
Nasty Latin Dorian Blues
The Dorian mode is known for having a very Latin flavor. In this lesson we’ll look at how we can apply this to a blues progression.
Solo Blues Techniques
Delta Style Acoustic Blues
In this lesson we’re taking a trip down the Mississippi to look at a little Delta style acoustic blues. This is an important style where you’ll be covering all the parts!
A Jazz Blues Study
Harmonic Minor Scale
Today we’ve got another essential scale for blues lead – this time the harmonic minor scale. It’s perfect for Latin style soloing, so let’s get started!
Swingin’ Jazz Blues
Today we’re exploring the jazz blues style where we follow a typical blues progression but use fancy jazz chords instead.
The Joe Bonamassa Style
Joe Bonamassa Style Sequences
Joe Bonamassa is an awesome modern day blues shredder, and one of the secrets behind his lead work is his sequential patterns. Today, we’ll break them down for you.
Getting Started
What You Need
Welcome to your first ever lesson! Here we’ll talk about gear you’ll need to get rockin!
Parts of the Guitar
So you’ve got a guitar, but what the heck do call everything? We’re here to help :)
How to Hold a Guitar
Learn the proper way the hold the instrument to make it as easy and comfortable to play as possible.
How to Hold a Pick
Time to learn the correct way to hold a pick! Everyone’s got a different technique, but we’re going to teach you the universally accepted way.
Names of the Strings
Next up we’re going to learn the names of the strings! These are going to be the actual musical notes, and we’ve got a nifty little trick to memorizing them!
Using a Tuner
No matter your skill level, you’ll only sound good if you’re in tune! Today we’ll show you how!
How to Tune by Ear
Today we’re taking off the training wheels and teaching you how to tune by ear! This one may take a while to master, but you will in time!
All About the Left Hand
Time to look at proper left hand technique! We want to develop good habits early on, so really absorb what we’re talking about here!
Basic Picking Technique
A lot goes into proper picking, and good technique will help make you a faster better player as you develop. Get the scoop here!
How to Read Tab
Tab, short for tablature, is the main way guitarists read music. It’s super easy, and we’ll break it down nice and slow to make sure you get it!
1234 Finger Exercises
Time to learn one of the best exercises for getting your fingers into shape. Finger strength is at the heart of guitar playing, and this is one of the best exercises you can do!
Melodies 1 Series
Led Zeppelin – “Dazed and Confused” (Riff)
Welcome to melodies 1! Today we’re learning the Led Zeppelin riff “Dazed and Confused,” which is super easy yet super heavy. Enjoy!
Chicago – “25 or 6 to 4″ (Riff)
Learn to play the main riff from this Chicago classic.
Green Day – Boulevard of Broken Dreams (lead)
Here we’ll be learning the lead part to Green Day’s “Boulevard of Broken Dreams.” In a future lesson, we’ll be looking at the chords, but for now, just have fun with this cool little solo!
Queen – Another One Bites the Dust (Riff)
Badu bum bum bum, here comes “Another One Bites the Dust!” Everybody knows this riff for a reason – because it’s awesome. The picking is getting a bit trickier, but you guys should be ok!
Melodies 2 Series
Nirvana – “Come As You Are” (Riff)
Nirvana helped start the alternative rock movement and brought with them some classic guitar riffs. Here’s one of Kurt’s best.
White Stripes – “Seven Nation Army” (Riff)
Dig out your red shirt and pants, cause today we’re learning the main riff to “7 Nation Army”
Cream – “Sunshine of Your Love” (Riff)
Hey guys, today we’re checking out the main riff of “Sunshine of Your Love.” This is a must know in every guitar player’s arsenal, and another step in our melodies 2 series.
Bruce Springsteen – Born to Run (Riff)
In this lesson we’ll be learning the main lead riff to “Born to Run” by Bruce Springsteen. We’ll use three strings so this might require more coordination than our previous riffs!
Iron Butterfly – “Inna Gotta Davida” (Riff)
One of the trippiest songs ever made, “Inna Gotta Davida” is one of the first truly heavy riffs ever. Enjoy folks!
Judas Priest – “Breakin the Law” (Riff)
We’re going old school metal for the main hook of this Judas Priest song. Grab your leather and get rockin!
Roy Orbison – “Pretty Woman” (Riff)
Grab your black suit and sunglasses for this one (purring optional)!
Intro to Chords
How to Read Chord Diagrams
Welcome to the world of chords! Our first step: learn to read chord diagrams
Your First Real Chords – The E Family
Finally, time to learn our first three chords! We’ve got three on the table for today: E, E minor, and E7
A Family of Chords
The next family of chords is the A family! Only one more to go after this and then we can start learning some real songs!
D Family of Chords
Now on to the D family of chords! Three new chords but nothing you guys can’t handle!
Proper Strumming
Proper strumming can make the difference between an amateur a pro. We’ll get you started strumming the right way!
The Kingsmen – “Louie Louie” (Chords)

Straight out of “Animal House,” it’s “Louie Louie.” A great song to practice your new chords with!
Basic 12 Bar Blues
In this lesson, we’ll take the chords we already know and apply them to a blues progression. This is a great one for jamming!
ACDC – “Back in Black” (Riff)
A must know for every guitar student. This is the opening riff that combines chords we know with single note picking.
Melodies 3 Series
Garageband 12 Bar Blues Piano
Jethro Tull – “Aqualung”
We’re getting back to our melodies with Jethro Tull’s “Aqualung.” Sitting on a park bench!
Heart – “Crazy On You” (Riff)
This song really has it all, but today we’ll be looking at the main riff. Who says girls can’t rock too?
Michael Jackson – “Beat It” (Riff)
This is an all time great guitar riff and an 80′s classic. An awesome rocker from the usual dance-pop of Michael Jackson
4 Main Acoustic Chords and Rhythm Concepts
Basic Note Values
Here we’re going to look at some rhythmic music fundamentals and how to count basic note values! Fun Fun!
Time Signatures
Another back to basics lesson, this time looking at time signatures. Get ready to get groovin!
The Four Main Acoustic Chords
The four most important chords you’ll ever know! These four make up countless songs and are the secret weapon behind most songwriting.
Chord Changing Tips
Having some trouble changing chords? Then look no further!
Bob Dylan – “Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door”
To get some practice with the four main acoustic chords we are going to learn the Bob Dylan classic “Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door.” Enjoy guys!
Melodies 4 Series
Alternate Picking
Today we’re going to learn a brand new technique called alternate picking. This is essential to playing efficiently and quickly and is one of the secrets behind shredding.
Led Zeppelin – “Heartbreaker” (Riff)
To practice our alternate picking we’ve got a great riff from the mighty Led Zeppelin. “Heartbreaker” is super heavy but certainly within your reach. Good luck!
Bon Jovi – “Living On A Prayer” (Riff)
Grab your talk box because we’ve got a classic riff from the garden state native, this time it’s the main riff to Bon Jovi’s “Living On A Prayer.”
34 Strumming
34 Strumming Basics
We’ve looked at the 34 time signature previously, but today we’re going to learn some of the most common strumming patterns you’ll need to play in this time signature.
John Lennon – “Working Class Hero”
“Working Class Hero” is a politically driven song about social injustice, but underneath the message lies a super catchy song in 34. We’ll teach you how to play it!
Staind – “So Far Away” (Chords)
Garageband 12 Bar Blues
To get some more practice with the 34 time signature we’ve got a great song from the alternative rock band Staind. We hope you like it!

Bob Dylan – “The Times They Are A Changin”
This Dylan masterpiece uses the 34 time signature to deliver a powerful message about an evolving world. Today we’ll show you how to play it.
The Left Over Chords
Bonus Chords – C, C7, G, G7, B7
We’ve got a new batch of chords today to check out today, including C, C7, G, G7, B7. With these, you’re well on your way to having a great handle on the open chords.
Weezer – “Undone” (Chords)
Grab your horn rimmed glasses because we’re taking a trip back to the 90′s to check out the Weezer classic “Undone (The Sweater Song).”
Garageband 12 Bar Blues Bandit
Jimi Hendrix – “Hey Joe” (Chords)
We’ve got a Hendrix classic to get some extra work with our newest batch of chords. This is an easy version that even a beginner can play and have fun with!
More Strumming Concepts
Misses, Ties, and Half Notes
We’ve got a series of new strumming concepts in this lesson including missing, ties, and half notes. If you understand this lesson you’ll be well on your way to strumming mastery!
Guns N’ Roses – “Sweet Child O’ Mine” (Chords)
Today we’re learning the Guns N’ Roses classic “Sweet Child O Mine” to get some practice with our misses and folk strumming. Enjoy guys!
How to Use a Capo
Today we’re going to learn about a nifty device every guitar player should have – the capo. We’ll show you what it is and how to use it!
Oasis – “Wonderwall”
In this lesson we’re going to learn a 90′s classic and all time great song, Oasis’s “Wonderwall.” This will be a fun way to get some practice with the capo.
The Dreaded F Chord
The Dreaded F Chord
Ok guys, here comes the toughest lesson yet. It’s time for the dreaded F chord, which involves a new technique called barring. It’s hard, but we know you guys can do it!
Lynyrd Skynyrd – “Free Bird” (Chords)
Today we’re learning the ultimate southern rock anthem to get some practice with the dreaded F chord. Raise your lighters and let’s get started!
The Beatles – “Let It Be” (Chords)
To get more practice with the F chord, we’ve got an absolute classic, this time it’s The Beatles’ “Let It Be.” So let’s get started!
Foo Fighters – “Big Me”
Garageband 12 Bar Blues Backing Track
The Foo Fighters are one of the biggest bands today, but this is the song that started it all for Dave Grohl. So let’s get started!