What's new in Apple Configurator 2.7.1. Preparing supervised devices for management by Configurator now automatically allows USB accessory connections while device is locked; Configure new supervised-only restriction for iOS 11.4.1: Allow USB accessories while device is locked; Apple Configurator 2.3 Dmg File What's new in Apple Configurator 2.7.
Apple has released Configurator 1.7, the essential tool for schools and businesses to manage and deploy software to multiple iOS devices. The update brings improvements to iTunes Store authentication, ensures devices are erased before restoring a backup, and adds support for new configuration profile payloads and settings introduced in iOS 8. It also adds restrictions for enabling (or disabling) use of Handoff, iCloud sync for managed apps, and backup of enterprise books, as well as supervised restrictions for erasing all content and settings and enabling Internet results in Spotlight. Configurator 1.7 also now requires OS X 10.10 Yosemite,
which might be problematic for those who can’t or don’t wish to update administrative Macs. (Free, 14.5 MB, 10.10+)

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- Apple Configurator 2 makes it easy to deploy iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, and Apple TV devices in your school or business. Use Apple Configurator 2 to quickly configure large numbers of devices connected to your Mac via USB with the settings, apps, and data you specify for your students, employees, or customers.