Install Rpm On Vmware Esxi 5

VMware Tools is one of important components for virtual machine (VM) in order get excellent performance. It is a group of utilities that help to enhances the overall performance of the virtual machine’s guest operating system (OS) and improves management of the VM. Without the VMware Tools, guest OS performance will lacks some of the important functionality. Below steps shows how to install the VMware Tools on RHEL 7, CentOS 7 and Oracle Linux 7.

How to Install VMware Tools ?

Option 1 (Recommended by VMware) – VMware support of open-vm-tools

open-vm-tools is an open source implementation of VMware Tools from third parties and contains utilities that enhances virtualization management, administration and functions of the virtual machine in VMware environments. The ultimate goal is to enable the operating system vendors and/or communities and virtual appliance vendors to bundle VMware Tools into their product releases.

Option 2 :

1. Install prerequisites :

Note: If you attempt to install an rpm installation over a tar installation — or the reverse — the installer detects the previous installation and must convert the installer database format before continuing. Configure VMware Tools: Respond to the questions the installer displays on the screen. In this quick and simple tutorial I will guide you through the installation and configuration of VMware ESXi 6.5Subscribe & never miss a Video - https://bit.

2. Attach the vmware tools sofware from vSphere client.

3. Mount the vmware tools package into /mnt :

4. Copy vmware tool packagae into /tmp :

5. Go to /tmp directory and extract the vmware tools package :

6. Go to extracted folder, vmware-tools-distrib :

7. Run to start installation :


8. Once successfully installed, make sure you umount back the /mnt :

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Configuration of HP ILO can be done using reboot of your HP server and Press <F8> to configure the ILO settings but you need a down time to your ESXi host and all the virtual machines running on it if it is a standalone host and no option to vMotion to other host. It is really a tough task to get downtime for your virtuali machines just for your ILO configurations like Reset ILO configuration, Reconfigure ILO IP address and reset ILO administrative password.

Now ILO configuration of ESXi host can easily be done without need of host restart using HP ESXi utilities.
HP ESXi Utilities Offline bundle for VMware ESXi 5 will be available as part of HP customized ESXi installer image but if it is not a HP customized ESXi image then you may need to download and install HP ESXi Utilities Offline bundle for VMware ESXi 5. It downloads the HP ESXi Utilities Offline bundle Zip file.This ZIp file contains 3 different utilities HPONCFG , HPBOOTCFG and HPACUCLI utilities for remote online configuration of servers.

HPONCFG can be used to set up and reconfigure the iLO (Integrated Lights-Out) management controller of a server.
HPBOOTCFG can be used to set up the boot configuration for the server.
HPACUCLI can be used in the configuration of HP Smart Array controllers and attached storage

You can directly download HPONCFG and Upload the VIB file into your ESXi host and execute the below command to install the HPONCFG utility.

esxcli software vib install -f -v /tmp/hponcfg-04-00.10.vib

Once it is installed. Browse towards the directory /opt/hp/tools and execute the below commands to perform the below operations. Below are the available help options for HPONCFG utility

Reset the ILO from ESXi host

Install rpm on vmware esxi 500

Browse to /opt/hp/tools and execute the below command to reset the HP ILO configuration.

./hponcfg -r

Export the ILO configuration of your ESXi host into file

Browse to /opt/hp/tools and execute the below command to export the ILO configuration into text file.

/opt/hp/tools # ./hponcfg -w /tmp/ilo-conf.txt

Configuring IP address for HP ILO from ESXi host

Edit the exported config file /tmp/ilo-conf.txt from above step and change the following IP address variables
vi ilo-conf.txt
Install Rpm On Vmware Esxi 5
Commit the updated IP address configuration from the file (ilo-conf.txt) to the ILO cofig using th below command
./hponcfg -f /tmp/ilo-conf.txt
Thats it .You should be able to reach the ILO of the server using the IP address now.

Reset the ILO administrator password from ESXi host

Create a file named reset_admin_pw.xml with the below info and add the new password in the password section:

Install Rpm On Vmware Esxi 550

<ribcl VERSION=”2.0″>
<user_INFO MODE=”write”>
<mod_USER USER_LOGIN=”Administrator”>
<password value=”newpass”/>

Commit the Updated administrator password information from the file (reset_admin_pw.xml) to ILO using the below command

./hponcfg -f reset_admin_pw.xml

That’s it you should be able to login to ILO of your ESXi host using the password specified in the above xml file. I hope this is informative for you. Thanks for Reading !!!!

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