Install Glob For Python In Mac

  1. Install Glob For Python In Mac Os
  2. Install Glob For Python In Mac Os
  3. Install Glob For Python In Mac Free

Debian 9 and Ubuntu 18.04 install the packages in /usr/lib/x8664-linux-gnu.MediaPipe’s opencvlinux.BUILD and ffmpeglinux.BUILD are configured for this library path. Ubuntu 20.04 may install the OpenCV and FFmpeg packages in /usr/local, Please follow the option 3 below to modify the WORKSPACE, opencvlinux.BUILD and ffmpeglinux.BUILD files accordi. Installing packages using pip and virtual environments¶ This guide discusses how to install packages using pip and a virtual environment manager: either venv for Python 3 or virtualenv for Python 2. These are the lowest-level tools for managing Python packages and are recommended if higher-level tools do not suit your needs. The Jupyter Notebook is a web-based interactive computing platform. The notebook combines live code, equations, narrative text, visualizations, interactive dashboards and other media. Note: As of Python 3.4, pip will be included in the regular install. There are many reasons why you might not have this version yet, and in case you don’t, these instructions should help. Mac and Linux instructions. As per the pip documentation, we can download a python script to install pip for us. Using a Mac or Linux, we can install pip. Installing Packages¶. This section covers the basics of how to install Python packages. It’s important to note that the term “package” in this context is being used to describe a bundle of software to be installed (i.e. As a synonym for a distribution).


Lesson Goals

This lesson shows you how to download and install Python modules. Thereare many ways to install external modules, but for the purposes of thislesson, we’re going to use a program called pip, easily installable on mac/linux and windows. As of Python 2.7.9 and newer, pip is installed by default. This tutorial will be helpful for anyone using older versions of Python (which are still quite common).

Introducing Modules

One of the great things about using Python is the number of fantasticcode libraries that are widely and easily available that can save you alot of coding, or simply make a particular task (like creating a CSVfile, or scraping a webpage) much easier. When Googling for solutions toproblems, you’ll often find sample code that uses code libraries youhaven’t heard about before. Don’t let these scare you away! Once theselibraries are installed on your computer, you can use them by importingthem at the beginning of your code; you can import as many libraries asyou’d like, such as

For new Python users, it can be a bit intimidating to download andinstall external modules for the first time. There are many ways ofdoing it (thus adding to the confusion); this lesson introduces one ofthe easiest and most common ways of installing python modules.

The goal here is to install software on your computer that canautomatically download and install Python modules for us. We’re going touse a program called pip.

Note: As of Python 3.4, pip will be included in the regular install.There are many reasons why you might not have this version yet, and incase you don’t, these instructions should help.

Mac and Linux instructions

As per the pip documentation, we can download a python script to installpip for us. Using a Mac or Linux, we can install pip via the commandline by using the curl command, which downloads the pip installationperl script.

once you’ve downloaded the file, you need to execute it withthe python interpreter. However, if you try to execute the script withpython like

the script will most likely fail because it won’t have permissions toupdate certain directories on your filesystem that are by default set sothat random scripts cannot change important files and give you viruses.In this case—and in all cases where you need to allow a script that youtrust to write to your system folders—you can use the sudo command(short for “Super User DO”) in front of the python command, like

Windows Instructions

As with the above platforms, the easiest way to install pip is throughthe use of a python program called, which you can downloadhere. When you open this link, you might be scared of the massivejumble of code that awaits you. Please don’t be. Simply use your browserto save this page under its default name, which is It mightbe a good idea to save this file in your python directory, so you knowwhere to find it.

Once you have saved this file, you need to run it, which can be done intwo ways. If you prefer using your python interpreter, just right-clickon the file and choose “open with” and then choose whateverpython interpreter you care to use.

If you prefer to install pip using the windows command line, navigate towhatever directory you’ve placed python and For thisexample, we’ll assume this directory is python27, so we’ll use thecommand C:>cd python27. Once you are in this directory, to install pip run thecommand


If you want more information or help with a weird error message, check out the StackOverflowpage that seems to be regularly updated.

Installing Python Modules

Now that you have pip, it is easy to install python modules since itdoes all the work for you. When you find a module that you want to use,usually the documentation or installation instructions will include thenecessary pip command, such as

Remember, for the same reasons explained above (on Mac or Linux systems, but not Windows), you might need to run pip with sudo, like

Sometimes, especially on Windows, you may find it helpful to use the -m flag (to help python find the pip module), like

Happy installing!

I. What is MatplotLib and BaseMaps

Matplotlib and BaseMaps are python libraries used to display and manipulate data. MatplotLib is the basic package which allows the programmer to create graphs and plots in 2D and 3D (includining animation). The BaseMaps extension adds the additional capabilities to display data overlayed onto a 2D map or 3D globe. The combination of the two allows anyone with familiarity with python a quick and easy way to create analysis tools oor even just some quick visualizations.

II. Easiest Install

Install Glob For Python In Mac

The easiest way to install both MatPlotLib and BaseMaps is to use DarwinPorts ( or Fink( applications are 'package managers' that will allow you to be able to download all sorts of free software packages for the Mac. You can install either or both applications (the available packages overlap quite a bit).

For Fink, you can install matplotlib and basemaps by running:

For DarwinPorts you can install by using this command:

In either case, this should install everything needed in order to use the python libraries. To test it, use the example presented below in this document.

This is by far the simplest method of installation. Manual installation isn't difficult but certainly takes a little longer.

III. Installing MatplotLib

If you want to do this a little more hands on, it's not much more difficult. First, you'll need to download four dmg files:

  1. Python 2.7.3:
  2. Numpy:
    • .org-macosx10.3.dmg/download
  3. SciPy:
  4. Matplotlib:

Install Glob For Python In Mac Os

Install Python first. Then install Numpy and SciPy. Lastly, install Matplotlib. These are all dmg’s so they should automatically install everything. The installation will be done in the directory:

You will then need to set up your environment variables (.cshrc file for instance):

Once everything is installed, create a new python script, cut and paste one of their examples into it, then try to run it. Here is the one I used:
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
fig = plt.figure()
ax = Axes3D(fig)
for c, z in zip(['r', 'g', 'b', 'y'], [30, 20, 10, 0]):
xs = np.arange(20)
ys = np.random.rand(20), ys, zs=z, zdir='y', color=c, alpha=0.8)

This should display a 3D bar graph using transparency and multiple colors.

Install Glob For Python In Mac Os

IV. Installing BaseMaps From Source

This gets a little trickier. There is no pre-built dmg file for installation, so this has to be downloaded and built.

First, get the source from here: 9.4/basemap-0.99.4.tar.gz/download

The size is about 100MB, but almost all of that is taken up by map data. Extract the source, then open a temrinal and navigate to the directory.

Before BaseMaps can be built, the GEOS library (nothing to do with the GEOS model) needs to be built. To do so, navigate to the GEOS directory and run configure like so: ./configure --prefix=some/path. After that, you run make and make install. This will create the GEOS libraries.

When the libraries are created, you will need to create a GEOS_DIR environment variable. The GEOS_DIR environemnt variable should match whatever path you used for the prefix when you ran configure. After the environment variable has been created, do a source or whatever action is required to make sure the variable is there.

Now you can go back to the root BaseMap directory and install BaseMaps. To do so, use the command: python install. This will finish the build process and install the necessary files and libraries to use BaseMaps. To test the installation, you can navigate to the exampless directory and run a few of them.

V. Installing BaseMaps From Binary Distribution

The script in BaseMaps gives an option to create a binary distribution. While this is not a self-installing dmg file, it creates a tarball with all the correct folder heirarchy and files for distribution. If you have a binary distribution, installation is easy. Extract the archive and then use cp -R to copy the folder to the root directory.

VI. Installing Python Image Library (PIL)

This is an optional package but may be necessary depending on whether or not you use certain image sources (see the bluemarble example in BaseMaps).

Again, no binary distribution is available for the Mac so you'll need to build from source. Worse, the actual build fails on the Mac (but it can be worked around).

You can get the source here:

Extract the source. In a terminal window, navigate to the image library directory. Run python install. This will most likely fail. The failure arises from the script, which tries to build libraries for both PPC and Intel based machines. Unless you've explicitly installed PPC versions of the required libraries, the python script will fail.

Install Glob For Python In Mac Free

The workaround is simple. There is only one file that this fails on. Copy the failed buid lines beginning with gcc, then paste them on the commandline. After that, go back and delete the -arch ppc part off the command. Once the file builds, re-run the the script. This should successfully build and instal the library.

Install Glob For Python In Mac

To ensure that it installed correctly, you can go to the BaseMaps example directory and try running the bluemarble or warpimage examples.